In an effort to start writing again and to save money on the many issues I'm sure I have, I have decided to enter this blogging challenge. Here goes nothing.
How do I respond to that question? It depends who is asking.
If it happens to be my grandmother (or any other female family member) I will most likely say I am to busy or selfish to share my life with anyone else.
It its a handsome man, I will most likely say something terribly sarcastic, because I have recently discovered that this is how I flirt.
But if I was being completely honest I would say...
The reason I'm single is because I have something I'm looking for, a high standard for love and what a relationship should look like. I simply cannot bring myself to settle for something that at the root is not that. I've tried to convince myself that love is a fairytale and that its for die-hard romantics but at the end of the day I know what I want.
So until I find someone I can be myself with, someone that shares my love for service, someone that wants to share who they are with me and will take care of me as if I was their most prized possession, someone who will allow me to be the leader I am and who in return will let me be their biggest cheerleader, until then, I will be single.
So when people ask me Why are you still single I will respond, I'm not ready for him yet.
Ciao world, until my vintage thoughts clash with my modern mind,
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